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"We must truth that God is on the business of Redeeming what is lost and broken. If we don't, this Faith is worthless and our Mission is in vain." 

- Pastor Edwin Pacheco, Jr.

At Redemption Church our desire is not to simply plant a church, but rather to establish Biblical Family through Discipleship. We want to do this in the most challenging and broken areas of our city beginning in Red Hook - Brooklyn. We know the Gospel changes lives, and our desire is to empower and equip people to be where the Gospel will shine the brightest. In doing so we trust God will bring Redemption to people who are far from Him and Reconciliation to the Family of God for the Glory of God.

Church is not "Like" Family, it "Is" Family.

Bible StudY

Beginning Sunday January 8th @ 10am Redemption Church
will be hosting a community Bible Study at
Red Hook Initiative - 767 Hicks Street



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We are looking for Volunteers for Kids Church & Worship Team

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Serving God-Family-Community
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